New Years' Day Box Cards in Pastel Colours & Doraemon Theme

These two cards were made for New Year and honestly, they were pretty simple. I used mainly stickers from Maggie Holmes Carousel collection because I like the mostly pastel colour scheme which goes well for the box cards that were going to two pretty ladies.

I've mentioned before that if I like a particular sticker set or diecuts set, I will usually buy again before I can't find it anymore. So I actually got a little excited when I saw the sticker sets at a local bookstore instead of the usual scrapbooking supplies stores that I normally go in town. If you have something that you like, and since the scrapbooking world is always coming up with new items, it's good to stock up. But of course provided you use them as much as you can because I know there are people who like to hoard and keep them in their collections for a long time.

Besides making cards, I like make up too and I know many brands like to come up with oh so pretty collections that the consumers may find it a waste to dip their brushes in and mess up everything. But like make up, good quality scrapbooking or craft supplies are not cheap either so it's best to plan your purchases carefully and make use of them as much as you can to really make it worth your money.

This is just my two cents though in general, you know what's best for you in terms of how to spend your money :)

Here's another box using again, mostly from the same sticker set, and to make the sticker pop a little, I added a wooden embellishments on top of the hot air balloon sticker.

Word stickers also make good decorations for a single panel if they are big enough to fill up the centre spacing.

I hope you like the two cards I have made above. For custom orders, please feel free to send me your order queries by the link above or the side bar.

Thanks for dropping by!
